Here you are! Our updated list of recommended books for anyone involved with cultural diversity, inclusion and working across differences on a daily basis.
We’ve been working hard for months to finish this list.
But we haven’t been working alone, as we also reached out to our network. And we’re overwhelmed and grateful for all the help we received! Thank you so much to everyone who recommended their specific favourite books.
At the top of this blog post, you'll find 35 books that will get you off to a great start.
Some are easy reading while others take more time. And some are classic works, and some are new titles! All these 35 books are available in English, and some are also in Danish.
The 35 selected books are divided into these topics:
In addition to the 35 books we have chosen, there are PLENTY of other inspiring books on cultural diversity, inclusion and working across differences!
Check out our list of additional interesting books at the bottom of this blog post for titles of particular relevance to you. You'll find a total of 131 books that we have either read ourselves or had recommended.
Our Danish-speaking readers can also find a wider selection of books in Danish here.
By Annette Dahl, Granhof & Juhl, 2019.
We can’t leave out C3's own book "Global Perspectives", written by our CEO and head trainer, Annette Dahl. The book is full of practical advice and simple tools that you can use to navigate cross-cultural work situations – and see new perspectives that can strengthen your cross-cultural collaboration. And the book is packed with case stories and interviews with managers, project managers and employees who work globally.
By Elisabeth Plum (main author), Middlesex University Press, 2008.
It was Plum, who herself has many decades of experience with the development of organizations and teams, who introduced the concept of cultural intelligence (CI) in Denmark. As Plum sees it, culture is not just about national cultures. For example, there are also professional cultures and organizational cultures – the latter often becomes apparent when companies merge. The book gives you strategies and tools to act in a culturally intelligent way in all work situations where there are different cultures at play.
The book was originally published in Danish under the title "KI: Kulturel Intelligens", Børsens Forlag, 2007. A 2nd edition is available from Akademisk Forlag, 2019.
By Robert Gibson, John Murray Press, 2021.
In this book, interculturalist Robert Gibson explores the interface between culture, diversity and neuroscience. "Bridge the Culture Gaps" is a practical, pragmatic and easily accessible handbook, with just over 200 pages covering a wide range of topics such as the value of diversity, inclusive management, global change processes and international postings.
By Paula Caligiuri, Kogan Page, 2021.
In the book, occupational psychologist Paula Caligiuri looks at how you can become "culturally agile" by developing nine different competencies. It’s packed with research-based, practical advice for those who work in the intercultural field, on how to best work with diversity not just across national borders, but also generations, industries, organizations and regions.
By Andy Molinsky, Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
If you want to be successful in your cross-cultural work, it typically requires that you adapt to different cultural contexts. But how can you adapt while maintaining your "authentic self"? This is what the organizational psychologist Andy Molinsky, who has many years’ experience of training global leaders, explores in his book.
By Hans Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund & Ola Rosling, Flatiron Books, 2018.
When we’re asked simple questions about global trends, we typically give wrong answers. That’s what the authors behind "Factfulness" want to put right. The book describes 10 basic human instincts that are responsible for typical misunderstandings – and provides simple methods on how we can get a more fact-based view of the world.
The book is also available in Danish: "Factfulness: 10 grunde til at vi misforstår verden – og hvorfor den er bedre end vi tror", Lindhardt and Ringhof, 2018. The book has also been translated into several other languages.
By Helen Spencer-Oatey, Peter Franklin and Domna Lazidou, Castledown Publishers, 2022.
Global Fitness, according to this book, is your ability to handle challenges that cultural differences can create, while also optimizing the opportunities those differences bring. And this covers not only cultural differences between countries but also between other social groups we join, based on religion, professional cultures, hobbies etc. Just like all other fitness, it takes targeted training to be Globally Fit, and through a mix of research-based knowledge, cases and exercises, the book guides you on how to address this training.
By David Livermore, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2022.
David Livermore is co-founder of "The Cultural Intelligence Center" and one of our favourite authors at C3. In "Digital, Diverse & Divided", one of his most personal books, Livermore demonstrates how you can use cultural intelligence to navigate difficult conversations on subjects such as race, gender, politics and religion. If you enjoy counteracting polarization and want to help build bridges between differences, this is the book for you.
By Gillian Tett, Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster, 2021.
At C3, one of our mantras is that all cultural understanding begins with understanding yourself first. So we totally support the method unfolded by anthropologist and journalist Gillian Tett in this book: Trying to see your own familiar culture from the outside while seeing other cultures that you might find strange from the inside. Reading the book won't turn you into an anthropologist, but will inspire you to expand your world view, discover more perspectives, strengthen your empathy and avoid tunnel vision.
By Zanne Gaynor and Kathryn Alevizos, Acrobat-Global, 2019.
Many companies operating globally expect you to be able to communicate in English – even if you have another native language. But what do we expect from employees who have English as their first language? This is where "IS THAT CLEAR?" enters the picture! The book targets native speakers wishing to take co-responsibility for good communication with international colleagues and business partners. This useful, concise book is full of practical advice on how native speakers can adapt their language and actively include non-native speakers in conversations.
By Erin Meyer, Public Affairs, 2014.
Erin Meyer, who is affiliated with the international business school INSEAD, introduces THE CULTURE MAP model in this book. The model has eight scales, which show how people from countries around the world typically prefer to communicate, give feedback, make decisions, etc. In this way, you can compare the preferences of your own culture with those of other national cultures and become aware of the similarities and differences.
The book has been translated into a wide range of languages, including Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Turkish, Russian, Dutch, German, and French.
By Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2020.
This book provides evidence-based knowledge about specific cultures and in-depth insights about cultural understanding in general. Written by the well-respected cultural trainers and management consultants Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, it is with good reason that "Riding the Waves of Culture" is known as a classic in the intercultural field.
By David Livermore, Cultural Intelligence Center, 2013.
With this book, you get a quick introduction to 10 "cultural clusters", into which the countries of the world can be roughly divided (e.g., Northern Europe, Latin America and South Asia). Historical background is provided about each cluster as well as information about the most important cultural dimensions – plus tips on how to best collaborate with people from the cluster. Livermore paints with a very wide brush here and therefore the book must be used with care, which is emphasized by the author himself.
By David Livermore, HarperCollins Focus, 2nd edition, 2022.
In this book, David Livermore demonstrates how you can become a more culturally intelligent leader by strengthening your competencies in the following four areas: CQ Drive (the motivation to adjust your behavior in cross-cultural situations), CQ Knowledge (the understanding of cultural similarities and differences), CQ Strategy (the ability to plan cross-cultural interactions) and CQ Action (the ability to adjust your behavior in cross-cultural situations).
By Kai Hammerich and Richard D. Lewis, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.
Just as fish do not see the water that surrounds them, we humans do not see the culture that surrounds us. That’s the premise behind the title of Hammerich and Lewis' book, which examines the interplay between national culture and corporate culture. Based on case studies about the development of several multinational companies, the authors provide advice on how to make national culture a partner rather than an opponent in your company’s strategy.
By David Livermore, AMACOM, 2016.
You may have heard that diverse teams perform better than homogeneous ones. But as Livermore points out in this book, it doesn’t happen automatically. In fact, diverse teams perform worse than homogeneous ones if they don’t have a high level of cultural intelligence. Based on extensive research across 72 countries, Livermore shows you how to succeed in using diversity to strengthen innovation and growth.
By Amy C. Edmondson and Jean-François Harvey, Emerald Publishing, 2017.
Team management and collaboration in projects across organizations, departments and disciplines is the main theme of this book, which includes theory review, case stories and guidelines. Edmondson, a professor of management at Harvard Business School, and Harvey, an assistant professor of entrepreneurship and innovation at HEC Montréal, introduce us to the word "teaming". They see teaming as a process where you, as a manager, build a bridge between professional and organizational boundaries in the complex collaborations that are becoming more commonplace today.
By Theresa Sigillito Hollema, Interact Global, 2020.
Compared to many other books about virtual teams, this book differs in its focus on cross-cultural collaboration. Hollema, who is a consultant in the field of cultural diversity and a team facilitator, provides insights into group dynamics – along with examples, stories, models and good advice on virtual management of culturally diverse teams.
By Tsedal Neeley, Harper Business, 2021.
A book on remote working with a focus on building relationships, trust and inclusion written by Tsedal Neeley, a professor at Harvard Business School. The book contains concrete suggestions for best practice within virtual collaboration, and a description of case studies and challenges in the form of collaboration and action-oriented guides. One of the book’s chapters specifically focuses on collaboration across differences in global teams.
By Lisette Sutherland and Kirsten Janene-Nelson, Collaboration Superpowers, 2018 / Wiley, 2020.
This book was written before the COVID pandemic shut the world down in 2020. Perhaps that’s why it offers an aspect that other books on the same subject don’t necessarily touch on, namely the benefits of actively opting to work virtually. In addition, the book is packed with good advice on how you, as an employee, a team leader and an organization, can succeed with virtual collaboration.
By Lynda Gratton, Penguin Business, 2022.
Lynda Gratton, a professor of management at London Business School, describes how you can create a hybrid workplace with a focus on productivity and employee well-being. The book is based on Gratton’s research in technological, demographic, cultural and societal trends over the last 30 years, supplemented by experience from the COVID pandemic. As such, the book isn’t about cross-cultural collaboration, but Gratton includes lots of examples from multinational companies around the world.
The book is also available in Danish: "Den hybride arbejdsplads - En guide til at redesigne arbejdet i organisationer", Djøf Forlag, 2022.
By Amy C. Edmondson, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2018.
For decades, Harvard Professor Amy C. Edmondson has researched how psychological safety strengthens employee satisfaction and commitment, and improves learning and innovation within organizations. Psychological safety in essence means the safer your employees feel, the more likely they are to provide input, ask questions and discuss concerns and mistakes. Similarly, inclusion involves people feeling safe enough to give input and feel that their voices are being heard. In her book, Edmondson describes the concept of psychological safety using research results, examples and practical advice.
The book is also available in Danish: "Den frygtløse organisation - Skab psykologisk tryghed på arbejdspladsen og styrk læring, innovation og vækst", Djøf Forlag, 2020.
By Tinna C. Nielsen and Lisa Kepinski, Independently published, 3rd edition, 2020.
Perhaps your company wants to promote inclusion but you’re unsure how to translate words into action. There’s help to be found in Nielsen and Kepinski’s "Inclusion Nudges" – a concept that the authors have developed, which includes small "behavioral designs" that you can use to promote inclusion in everyday life.
In addition to the full "Inclusion Nudges Guidebook", Nielsen and Kepinski have published three short "Action Guides" each with 30 examples of inclusion-promoting actions:
By Victoria Mattingly, Sertrice Grice and Allison Goldstein, Independently published, 2022.
Want to build your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion work firmly on data? Then you need this book! Based on research, interviews with DEI leaders in companies from widely differing industries, and their own wide-ranging DEI experiences, the authors give you methods for collecting and using data to plan and adjust your DEI activities. Though many of the book’s examples feature American companies, its methods are a useful source of inspiration wherever you are based worldwide.
By Rohini Anand, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2021.
In this book, Rohini Anand generously shares her personal experiences of leading DEI initiatives in global companies. One of the book's main points is that when working with global DEI, you need a nuanced understanding of local contexts across countries and cultures. DEI initiatives that succeed in one country might have unintended, negative consequences in another. Throughout the book, the author unfolds five overarching principles to guide your global DEI work. A must read if you work with DEI at a global company!
By Ernest Gundling and Cheryl Williams, Aperian Global, 2021.
"Inclusive Leadership, Global Impact" is another excellent book on global DEI. Here, the focus is on working with inclusive leadership across countries and cultures. The book is full of cases from all over the world and practical advice on how to be an inclusive leader for diverse teams and employee groups. Along the way, the authors give examples of how different DEI challenges are in various regions and countries, and suggest how to handle those differences.
By Furkan Karayel, Panoma Press, 2021.
How do you implement inclusion in your day-to-day work as a manager? You get a practical guide to this with this book. After 10 years as a software engineer, the author founded her own Diversity & Inclusion consulting business. Today, she’s a recognized management consultant and keynote speaker in the D&I field. The book is well written and easily accessible, and you get lots of concrete examples and anecdotes that can help you develop as an inclusive manager and open your eyes to the biases you may have yourself.
By Nadia Nagamootoo, Practical Inspiration Publishing, 2024.
"Leading inclusively is tough because you have to constantly challenge yourself to operate Beyond Discomfort". That is what Nadia Nagamootoo writes in her book, which tackles the difficult emotions DEI work evokes in many people. "Beyond Discomfort" is for anyone wanting to develop their inclusive leadership skills – even if that journey is not always pleasant. Throughout the book, the author, an authorized psychologist, challenges you to reflect on your own life experiences, thoughts and emotions, and gives you practical tools and exercises to use as an inclusive leader.
By Mahzarin Banaji and Anthony Greenwald, Delacorte Press, 2013.
At the time of writing (2024), unconscious bias is something most people have heard of. But that was far from the case when Banaji and Greenwald published the research-based book "Blindspot" in 2013. The authors' goal is to bring to light the hidden biases we all carry with us. Because by being aware of our own unconscious bias, we can better act in accordance with our positive intentions.
By Matthew Syed, John Murray Press, 2019.
In his book "Rebel Ideas", Matthew Syed argues that "cognitive diversity" in organizations creates fertile ground for problem solving and innovative ideas. Syed, a renowned thinker and journalist with several bestsellers to his name, explains why cognitive diversity in organizations is a necessity and a strategic advantage. Several readers point out that the book provides an original and thoughtful angle on the topic of diversity.
By Mary E. Casey and Shannon Murphy Robinson, Outskirts Press in 2017.
If you’re interested in neuroscience and inclusion, then this is the book for you. The authors, who are acclaimed coaches and trainers in D&I management, explain how our brains automatically steer us towards "them-versus-us" thinking – and how we need to constantly train our brains to override those instincts and relate curiously to people who are different from ourselves.
By Anette Prehn, Reframe Publishing, 2022.
Sociologist and science communicator Anette Prehn is passionate about communicating research in a way that is easy to understand, remember and use. And she certainly succeeds in this book, where, based on the newest brain research, she demonstrates how you can become a better leader when you know and master the brain's ground rules. The book is full of cases and examples, and each chapter ends with the author's ideas on how to transform your new knowledge into concrete actions in everyday life.
The book is also available in Danish: "Hjernesmart ledelse - guide til hjernens spilleregler", People's Press, 2nd edition, 2018.
In addition to the 35 books we introduced above, there are plenty of other outstanding books on cultural diversity, inclusion and working across differences!
So, check out our list of additional interesting books for titles of particular relevance to you! We've included a total of 131 books that we have either read ourselves or had recommended.
If you and your family will be living and working abroad for a while, read this blog post with its selection of books that can help you to enjoy a successful expat experience.
Sometimes, fiction can bring us closer to other people's feelings and reactions than non-fiction. Thank you to Moina Rauf for reminding us of that – and for recommending the novel "Round the Bend" by Nevil Shute (1951) as a good starting point.
If you are interested in fiction specifically about or from Denmark, Greenland or the Faroe Islands, you'll find inspiration in this blog post.
Here's another idea that Meghna Nijhawan shared with us (thank you, Meghna!):
Gather a "Story Board" of people from various cultural backgrounds and invite them to ask openly and with curiosity about each other’s cultures. You can learn such a lot from deep and respectful conversations with people who are different to you!
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By signing up, you'll also get a free chapter from our book 'Global Perspectives: A Practical Guide to Navigating Across Cultures'.
"My copy of this book will be placed close to me on my office shelf – next to only a handful of other truly inspiring books I have read."
- Mette Bjerrekær, Group Vice President, GRUNDFOS
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